Articles & Reports
Women’s Committees in Worker Organizations
Lois S. Gray and Maria Figueroa - Cornell University ILR School
New Approaches to Organizing Women & Young Workers
Labor Project for Working Families - Cornell ILR Labor Programs
UC Berkeley Labor Center
Women Activists talk "union" across Generations
New Strategies Promise Greater Leadership by Women in Unions from Institute for Women's Policy Research press release. Report Identifies methods to promote women's activism.
Reports funded by Berger-Marks:
- 'I knew I could do this' — Seven Strategies to Promote Women's Activism & Leadership in Union.
- Women Organizing Women — How do we rock the boat without getting thrown overboard?
- Union Organizing Among Professional Women Workers — A groundbreaking research study commissioned by the Department for Professional Employess - AFL-CIO
Unions and Upward Mobility for Women Workers by John Schmitt
Women Bringing New Strength To Unions by Dick Meister
WILD Summer Institute 2025
WILD Needs Your Support!
Now more than ever, women's progress is under attack from the far right.
Please support WILD's work to build women's leadership in unions and worker organizations, in the community, and in the political arena.
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