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108 Myrtle St.   4th Floor

Quincy,  MA 02171


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Photo of Ruthella LoganPhoto of Ruthella LoganTerry King, President




WILD is hiring!

WILD Programming Coordinator

Part-Time Permanent

The Women’s Institute for Leadership Development seeks a Programming Coordinator excited to build an intersectional movement for working women in unions and workers’ organizations. This is a part-time position based in Quincy, Massachusetts. The first day of work would be Friday, October 18, 2024 - but we are open to the right candidate starting sooner. See the process at the end of this description for more information on the hiring timeline.

Our ideal candidate is a mission-committed, passionate, creative, curious problem-solver who is personable, reliable, hardworking, computer savvy, decisive, a team player, well-rounded, excited to learn, and energetic and enthusiastic.

The Programming Coordinator will work closely with the Executive Director and Committee Chairs to support the annual events WILD produces. Events are both in person and via Zoom.

See full job description here

WILD Summer Institute 2024

In the years since WILD was founded, women have made a lot of progress in the workplace and in the labor movement. But we still have a long way to go. And recently, we seem to be moving backward, as conservative forces have slashed away at our reproductive rights, affirmative action, and other rights we had fought so hard for and thought we had won for good.

Join us in this one-day conference to share ideas and create an agenda for working women to win back our rights and keep moving forward.

WILD Instituto de Verano 2024

En los años transcurridos desde que se fundó WILD, las mujeres han logrado muchos avances en el lugar de trabajo y en el movimiento laboral. Pero nosotras aún tenemos un largo camino por seguir. Y recientemente, parece que estamos retrocediendo, a medida que las fuerzas conservadoras han recortado nuestros derechos reproductivos, la acción afirmativa y otros derechos por los que habíamos luchado tan arduamente y que pensábamos que habíamos ganado para siempre.

Únase a nosotras en esta conferencia de un día para compartir ideas y crear una agenda para que las mujeres trabajadoras recuperemos nuestros derechos y sigamos avanzando.


WILD Instituto de Verão 2024

Nos anos desde a fundação da WILD, as mulheres fizeram muitos progressos no local de trabalho e no movimento trabalhista. Mas ainda temos um longo caminho a percorrer. E, recentemente, parecemos estar a retroceder, à medida que as forças conservadoras reduziram os nossos direitos reprodutivos, a acção afirmativa e outros direitos pelos quais lutámos tanto e pensávamos que tínhamos conquistado para sempre.

Junte-se a nós nesta conferência de um dia para compartilhar ideias e criar uma agenda para que as mulheres trabalhadoras reconquistem os nossos direitos e sigam em frente.

Support WILD!

WILD is participatory organization. We survive and thrive on the support of our wonderful community if participants, teachers, volunteers, partners, allies and benefactors.


Financial support

We count on our community to support us financially. We do not get any help from the government or big business or the rich and powerful! Our budget comes from grassroots supporters like yourself. Only through the generous support of our community, can we provide childcare and interpretation at our events, and offer scholarships to low income women to attend the Summer Institute.

Please consider giving a donation to WILD. You can send us a check or donate online here.


Volunteer Opportunities

We also count on our supporters to help us plan and organize all our events and activities such as the Summer Institute and WILD in the Winter. If you would like to volunteer to be on a Committee, to help in the office or with occasional tasks such as phone banking or mailings, or to help in any way, contact us at